About AEDC

Serving 14 counties of Northern New York State

Adirondack Economic Development Corp. (AEDC) is a 501c3 non-profit economic development organization and Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) based in Saranac Lake, NY. Since 1976, AEDC has provided business training, lending and technical assistance to underserved populations and to new and existing businesses throughout Northern New York State.


To advance economic opportunity in North Country communities through support for existing and new small businesses.

OUR Vision

We envision vibrant, diverse communities within the North Country driven by small businesses. AEDC will provide the resources needed to create new jobs, personal wealth, and sustainable local economies.


The Adirondack Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) defines diversity as differences in race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical and/or mental capabilities and religious beliefs. AEDC recognizes equity as providing fair treatment, access, opportunity, and advancement for all people, with a goal of eliminating the barriers that have prevented the full economic participation of all groups. AEDC defines inclusion as creating environments in which any individual or group can be and feel welcomed, respected, supported, and valued to fully participate.

AEDC is committed to building a community of its staff, board members and partners that hold diversity, equity, and inclusion as core values.  BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of AEDC hereby endorses diversity, equity, and inclusion as core values of the organization.


We are the North Country’s Community Development Financial Institution serving small business needs and access to capital for socially and economically disadvantaged residents of the 14-county greater North Country.

OUR Approach

AEDC provides a clear path to self-employment through a four-pronged approach that includes:

  1. Classroom training
  2. One-on-one technical assistance
  3. Access to capital through our micro-lending programs
  4. Continuous networking of program graduates and their businesses

Find out more about the services we provide and how we can help you start or grow your business!

View Our Services